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作者:靳雪梅 李锁柱  
单位:太原理工大学阳泉学院 中交第一航务工程局有限公司  
关键词:深基坑  地下连续墙  有限元法 
The large number of foundation engineering practice shows that the theory of deep foundation engineering and technology is not mature,based only on theoretical analysis and experience difficulties in completing the economic and reliable estimate of the foundation pit design and construction,this article is based on Tianjin Port Nanjiang Port Shenhua Coal Terminal 2 corridor construction of Continuous Diaphragm wall works for the case in the Continuous Diaphragm Wall of the excavation case,axial force and other aspects of support to carry out the works to monitor,by using two-dimensional finite element program PLAXIS analysis,and Comparison of monitoring data to examine the finite element method results and the gap between project monitoring.,to examine the gap between the finite element calculation results and engineering monitoring. The finite element calculated values compared with the measured data found that the maximum horizontal displacement of the wall compared with the measured data the calculated values large ,vertical displacement of the wall and support the largest axial force calculated and measured data have some gaps. The results show that the finite element method can analyze the maximum horizontal displacement of the wall,while the maximum vertical displacement and axial force method of analysis support is worth further exploration.
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