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Competent Authority:
         China Communications Construction Company
         (Group) Ltd.
Sponsored by:
         China Communications Construction Company Ltd.
Published by:
         CCCC Tianjin Port Engineering Institute Ltd.
Chief Editor: Liu Yaping
Deputy Chief Editor: Zhang Meiyan
Edited by:
         Editorial Office of China Harbour Engineering
         Add:1002 Dagunan Road Tianjin 300222 ,China
Distributed by:
        Editorial Office of China Harbour  Engineering
ISSN  2095-7874
CN 12-1310


Latest Catalogue
Technology for super long distance floating transp…
Evaluation of closure gap length of immersed tube …
Development and application of floating measuremen…
Structural design optimization and construction te…
Analysis of displacement impact on the island-brid…
Research and application of controlled cracking te…
High-precision docking technology for Shenzhen-Zho…
Simulation test of three-dimensional aerial traver…
Research on preloading monitoring method and data …
Research and application of leveling scheme for sp…
Design and process study of temporary anchoring sy…
Research on reduced-scale watertight push-pull tes…
Design and application of multi-linear interlockin…
Installation technology of the final joint super-w…
Research and application of anti-corrosion constru…
Research and application of construction technolog…
Research on construction step control for offshore…
High precision fixed point non - destructive dredg…
Construction technology of steel-timber composite …
Research and application of construction technolog…
Localization research and development of construct…
Application of BIM technology in the Shenzhen-Zhon…
Research and application of characteristic supply …
Publication Introduce


Journal of China Harbor Engineering

Journal of China Harbor Engineering is a scientific and technical journal focusing mainly on port and harbor engineering. Journal of China Harbor Engineering contains papers and topics on the new achievements and developments in the research, prospecting, design, construction, fabrication and management of port and harbor engineering, waterway and dredging engineering, waterway transport works and their related civil works as well as craft, mechanical and electrical engineering. The aim of the journal is to lay equal stress on both theories and practice, to disseminate both popular and advanced skills and technologies, and to take the practical engineering technologies as its main range of coverage.

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