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作者:韩凤亭 谢波涛  
关键词:台风  港口建设  双层嵌套概率模式  多维复合极值分布  超强台风 
As the global climate is changing to become warmer and the frequency and intensity of typhoon tend to increase gradually,engineering risks in port construction should be given significant attention.After the analysis of the types of disas-trous typhoons in the Pearl River Delta,the double layer nested multi-objective probability model and multivariate compound extreme value distribution(MCEVD) are used to predict the typhoon-induced disasters and super typhoons.The predictions are then used in the design of maximum wind speed,wave height,drainage,and so on in port areas.The model can reflects the disaster-caused factors comprehensively and systematically and therefore the predictions have obtained good results.
国家自然科学基金资助项目(50679076);; 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部资助项目(20060120)
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