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通过京津高速公路东段第五合同段北环铁路跨线桥工程,以78 m钢桁梁顶推施工工艺为主线,重点介绍了钢桁梁顶推施工的技术准备:钢桁梁拼装平台搭设,临时墩的施工,滑道、导梁制作、安装以及顶推装置和位置的确定,顶推过程控制。施工结果表明,在不干扰既有铁路干线正常运营情况下,顶推施工技术速度快,安全可靠,并且一次成功。
Based on the pushing and installing of 78 m steel truss girders during the construction of the flyover over railway lines on the Northern Ring of East Section of Beijing-Tianjin Expressway under Contract No.5,the paper focuses on the tech-nical preparations for the installation of steel truss girders,such as erection of a platform for assembling of steel truss girders,construction of temporary piers,fabrication and erection of the slipway and nose-girder,determination of the pushing gear and its location,and process control of pushing and installing.The technology proved successful and the construction practice shows that,without interference with the normal operation of existing railway lines,it is faster,safer and reliable to install the steel trusses by pushing.