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随着对外交往的不断深入,国内及国际上越来越多的工程采用F ID IC合同进行建设。文章主要分析了设计方在F ID IC条件下的职业责任的特点、水平、裁定方法,在此基础上探讨了职业责任的合理规避措施。
With the continuous development of international exchange, more and more national and internationalconstruction projects are organized and executed in FIDIC contracts. In the paper, the characteristics, level andmethod of arbitration of a designer' s professional liability under the FIDIC conditions are analyzed and themeasures for reasonably evading the professional liabilities are discussed.
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[5]A SCE.M itigating P rofessiona l L iab ility for C iv il Eng ineers:W h ite Paper[J].L eadersh ip and M anagem en t inEng ineering,2004,(10):141-147.