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作者:崔春义 李军 栾茂田 孙占琦  
单位:大连海事大学道路与桥梁工程研究所 大连理工大学近海与海岸工程国家重点实验室 大连市建筑设计研究院 深圳市市政设计研究院有限公司博士后创新基地  
关键词:复合地基  垫层  数值分析  桩基 
In order to intensify the study on design theory together with computation methods of composite foundation,elasto-plastic numerical computation is conducted by developing elasto-plastic FE model in plane stress state,together with adopting Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion to describe the elasto-plasticity of subsoil and Coulomb contact pair theory with penalty algorithm to simulate the discontinuous contact behavior of foundation and soil,as well as using infinite element in modeling boundary.Through the elasto-plastic numerical model of composite foundation with piles and cushion used above,the characteristics of internal forces and deformation of composite foundation system including raft,cushion and piles are analyzed.Furthermore,the respective effect of raft foundation,cushion and piles on the working performance of whole composite foundation system is discussed by changing numerical parameters such as cushion stiffness,raft thickness and piles stiffness.Several conclusion remarks are drawn on the basis of computational results and theoretical analyses,which can provide referable experience to some extent for related engineering practice and design.
国家自然科学青年基金(50809009);; 建设部科学技术项目计划(2008-K2-39)
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