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作者:倪福生 齐帜 赵立娟  
单位:疏浚技术教育部工程研究中心河海大学疏浚教育和研究中心 疏浚技术教育部工程研究中心河海大学疏浚教育和研究中心 疏浚技术教育部工程研究中心河海大学疏浚教育和研究中心 江苏常州213022 江苏常州213022 江苏常州213022 
关键词:管道输沙  流动特性  两层流动模型  分界面位置 
在重力作用下,泥沙沿输送管道横截面的分布呈现上层稀疏下层浓密的特点。据此可将整个流动简化为具有不同平均速度和平均浓度的两层流动。以中沙在直径为150 mm管道上的实测流动为例,用迭代方法确定了两层流动的分界面位置,结果表明两层流动模型能够刻画泥沙在管道中流动的主要特征和内部结构。
Under the action of gravity,the cross sectional distribution of sediment in the conveying pipelines shows that the sediment in the upper part of the pipelines is thin while the sediment in the lower part is dense and thick.As a result,the whole flow can be reduced to two levels of flow with different mean velocity and mean concentration.Taking the measured flow of medium sand in 150 mm pipelines as an example,the location of the interface between the two levels of flow is determined with the iteration method.The results show that the two-level flow model can depict the major features and internal structure of sediment flow in the pipelines.
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