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矿渣微粉作为配制高性能混凝土的理想材料,在发达国家已经得到了重视、发展和很好的应用,文中首先着重分析了矿渣微粉对于混凝土工作性能、抗压强度及耐久性的有利影响,通过大量的工程实例,说明了矿渣微粉作为配制高性能混凝土的理想掺料起到了重要的作用,用矿渣微粉作为掺合料可等量取代20% ̄50%的水泥。
As the ideal preparation of high performance concrete materials, fine slag powder has been gotten high recognition, development and good application in the developed countries. This paper first emphatically analyzes the beneficial influence that fine slag powder works for high performance concrete in the workability, compressive strength and durability. And then it lists a large number of projects which are examples of fine slag powder as an ideal mixture has played an important part in high performance concrete, and 20% - 50% of cement can be replaced equivalently when fine slag powder is used as admixture.