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作者:田佐臣 李树国  
单位:中交第三航务工程勘察设计院有限公司 中交第三航务工程勘察设计院有限公司 上海 200032 上海 200032 
关键词:洋山深水港  二期工程  优化  吞吐能力  经济效益 
On the basis of a summing-up of the experience in design and construction of the works for Phase I of the Yangshan Deep Water Port Project and in view of the fact that the land area of the shore front of Xiaoyangshan, where the works for the second phase of the Yangshan Deep Water Port Project are located, is relatively small, the land area of the port is not clear and neat, and the land area is founded on bedrocks and deep-laid silt, the layout of the port has been worked out on the principle of regulation of the water flow, reduction of siltation and safe berthing of ships as well as on the principle that, upon completion, Phase II of the Project can not only be operated and managed together with Phase I of the Project but can also be operated and managed independently. As a result, the water depth in front of the berths of Phase II of the port is made to -16.0 m which is the same as that of Phase I of the port, the length of the berths is increased and the types of the equipment are also optimized, thus increasing the throughput.capacity of the berths. Compared with the berths at Phase I of the port, each berth at Phase II of the port produces higher throughput capacity and higher economic benefit with a relatively low investment.
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