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In view of practical engineering scenarios,the possible modes of failure of foundations for gravity type of structures are studied to establish rational methods to calculate the bearing capacity of the foundations.Based on the discussions on the modes of failure in the studies of bearing capacity of foundations,the width of the acting plane of design loads and the criteria of measurement of the stability of the bearing capacity of foundations,it is held that the mode of failure of a gravity jetty is unidirectional and it is required to consider simultaneously both the global failure and the local failure;and the mode of failure of a vertical breakwater is bidirectional and it is also required to consider simultaneously both the global failure and the local failure.The current method to determine the actual bearing width of the bottom of a foundation sometimes results in higher value of the calculated bearing capacity of the foundation.If a unitary coefficient of resistance component of the mode of global failure is used to solve the problem of bearing capacity of a foundation,only the global failure can be measured but the possible local failure in the foundation soil may not be reflected and the uncertainty of the strength indexes of the foundation soil can not be correctly reflected.Coefficient of strength component and coefficient of load component should be used jointly to calculate the bearing capacity of afoundation.