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上海宝山钢铁 (集团 )公司马迹山矿石中转港嵌岩桩试桩工程钢套管直径为 2 80 0 mm,长 4 0 m,嵌岩深度为 5 m,且又是在水深 30 m的外海裸露的基岩上施工 ,工程难度很大。文章介绍了该试桩工程水下钢筋砼的施工情况 ,并对施工工艺进行了总结分析
Tests were carried out on the large diameter socketed piles constructed for Majishan Ore Transshipment Terminal of Shanghai Baoshan Iron & Steel Corp (Group) The steel casing of the test piles was 2 800 mm in diameter and 40 m long and the piles were 5 m embedded into the rock mass It was very difficult to construct these piles as the construction had to be done on the exposed rock mass in the 30 m deep open seas The paper presents the construction of the subaqueous reinforced concrete for the test piles and a summary of the technological process of the construction