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本文建立了气浮结构小倾角浮稳性分析的理论方法。与实浮体 (常规浮体 )相似 ,气浮体的小倾角浮稳性也可以通过稳性高参数来判断。文中首先推导了非对称多体实浮结构的稳性高参数的计算式 ,在此基础上 ,引进气浮体的浮态分析理论 ,导出了非对称多体气浮结构的稳性高的计算式。理论计算得到的稳心半径与模型试验和现场原型试验的测算值非常吻合 ,表明本文建立的气浮结构小倾角浮稳性分析理论是符合实际情况的 ,可以在工程中应用
A theoretical method has been established in this paper to analyze the static stability of air float bucket foundation structures with a small roll angle As the conventional float body,whether an air float structure is in stability can also be judged by the parameter of stabilizng height The formula of calculating the stabilizing height for the conventional unsymmetrical structure with multi-float-body is deduced at first Then,on the basis of the above,the formula for the unsymmetrical air float structure with multi-float-body is obtained by applying the state analysis theory about air float structures The radius of stabilizing calculated by theory coincides well with the one gotten from model test and prototype test It shows that the static stability analysis theory and the state analyisis theory for air float structures are reasonable and can be applied to engineering
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