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遗传算法 (GA)是一种源自生物界自然选择和自然遗传机制的随机化搜索方法 ,其群体搜索策略和信息遗传的特点使其在组合优化中表现出其它传统方法所不能比拟的性能。本文将 GA应用于工程项目的资源优化中。与常规的直观方法相比 ,应用 GA能同时解决资源平衡和资源有限问题并避免了繁琐的推断过程 ,同时还能得到除最优解外的几个次最优的解决方案
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is a stochastic search method which uses ideas and gets inspirations from mechanism of natural selection and heredity Its strategy of population search and characteristic of information transmission make it showing incomparable performance to other traditional approaches in combinatorial optimization In the paper,GA is applied to resource optimization of construction project Comparing with ordinary heuristic methods,GA can encompass both resource leveling and limited resource allocation problems,prevent petty and multitudinous deducing process and also obtain several secondary optimum solutions as well as the best one
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