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文章通过理论分析和试验研究探讨了气浮结构的运动特性。按单自由度刚体弹簧体系建立了气浮结构的升沉和摇摆运动方程 ,进而求气浮结构运动的固有周期 ,并对气浮结构的运动特性进行了讨论分析。文中引进的气浮力折减系数 ka 体现了气浮体的恢复力刚度系数与普通浮体的差异 ,该参数对气浮体的浮态、稳性、运动特性都有很大的影响。理论分析和试验表明气体浮体的固有周期比相应实浮体的大。结合理论和试验 ,确定了气浮结构作升沉运动时附连水质量系数的取值。摇摆运动的附连水质量系数的确定较为复杂 ,还需作进一步的研究
Some kinetic properties of air float structures have been studied by theoretical and experimental methods. Simplifying the air float structure as a single freedom rigid body and spring system, the force and moment equilibrium equations are established. Then the natural periods of heaving and rolling are solved and some kinetic properties are discussed. The air floating decrease coefficient k a introduced in this paper represents the difference of restoring force between the conventional float body and air float one, it has large influence to the floating state, stability and kinetic properties. The results of theory analysis and test studies show that the natural periods of air float structures are bigger than the homologous conventional float's The added mass coefficient of heaving is determined by the combination analysis of theory and tests, but how to get the added mass coeffcient of rolling needs more studies.
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