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作者:蔡南树 董志良 张功新 林军华  
单位:广州港集团南沙工程办公室 中交四航工程研究院有限公司  
关键词:吹填土地基  软基处理  真空预压  环境影响 
为了研究真空预压加固吹填土地基对周边环境的影响,结合广州港南沙港区二期工程软基处理工程现场试验,综合分析了真空预压影响区的孔隙水压、地下水位、沉降和侧向变形等变化规律。分析结果表明,真空预压的影响距离达28~41 m,影响深度达24 m;真空预压对周围影响与地质条件等有较大的联系,影响区插设塑料排水板后,地表沉降和表层位移降低约2/3,侧向位移降低约1/3;影响区为已真空预压加固区时,影响区土体变形模量因固结而增大,刚度提高,侧向变形显著降低,约为未加固影响区的6%。
To study the influence of improvement of hydraulically reclaimed land by the vacuum preloading technique upon the surrounding environment,the patterns of variation of pore water pressure,ground water level,settlement and lateral displacement in the area influenced by the vacuum preloading technique were comprehensively analyzed on the basis of the field tests and measurements made during the improvement of the soft soil for the second phase of Guangzhou Nansha Port.The results of analyses showed that the range of horizontal influence of vacuum preloading was about 28 ̄41m and the vertical influence range reached 24 m.The degree of influence by vacuum preloading in the influenced area is largely related to its geological conditions in the hydraulically reclaimed land.After PVDs were installed in the vacuum-preloading influenced area,the ground settlement and the surface displacement were reduced by about 2/3 and the lateral displacement was reduced by about 1/3.When the in-fluenced area was consolidated by vacuum preloading,the modulus of deformation of the soil mass in the vacuum-preloading in-fluenced area increased with the consolidation of the soil mass,thus improving the rigidity of the soil mass.The lateral displace-ment was remarkably reduced and was about 6% of that in an uninfluenced area.
[1]于志强,朱耀庭,喻志发.真空预压法加固软土地基的影响区分析[J].中国港湾建设,2001(01):26-30. [2]余湘娟,吴跃东,赵维炳.真空预压法对加固区边界影响的研究[J].水利学报,2002(09):123-128. [3]朱虹,朱建才,丁洲祥.真空联合堆载预压加固软基对环境的影响研究[J].浙江建筑,2005,22(01):18-21. [4]邱青长,董志良,莫海鸿,蔡南树.真空预压影响区旋喷桩防护效果[J].中国港湾建设.2006,(3):16-19.
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