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为了研究路基不均匀沉降对沥青路面受力变形的影响 ,本文通过对半填半挖路基进行弹塑性动力有限元分析 ,计算出在汽车荷载作用下由于路基土在力学和物理性质上的差异而产生的差异沉降。研究了两种工况 (1)汽车荷载作用产生的差异沉降 ;(2 )汽车荷载和土体固结共同作用产生的差异沉降 ,对沥青路面受力变形特性的影响 ,进而得出一种计算沥青路面破坏时临界差异沉降的方法。为实际工程设计、施工提供了理论依据
To analyze the influence of the asphalt pavement deformation under the non-homogenous settlement of the roadbed,this paper uses elastic-plastic,dynamic FEM to compute the differential settlement of the half-filled and half-dug embankment under the traffic load.Then,the deformation specificity of the asphalt pavement under a couple of working conditions 1)the differential settlement under the automobile load,2)the differential settement under the automobile load and the subsoil consolidation,is analyzed.Finally,a kind of method to compute the critical differential settlement which makes asphalt pavement yielded is drawn.Theoretical is then provided for engineering design and construction.
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