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通过对某工程水泥搅拌桩复合地基试验 ,分析室内水泥土强度的发展规律 ,探讨复合地基桩土共同作用下的承载情况和地基对承台的反力模式。分析表明 ,不同水泥土随掺入比和龄期的变化 ,其强度差异较大 ;复合地基的承载力随确定方法的不同而有不同结果 ;桩顶存在较大的集中反力 ,桩土应力分担比在不同荷重下有很大的变化
In view of the tests conducted on the composite foundations made of piles of cement soil mixture at a job site,the laboratory pattern of strength development of cement soil mixture is analyzed.The load bearing conditions of the foundation under the joint action of piles and soil in the composite foundation and the modes of foundation reaction against the bearing platform are also discussed.The results of analysis show that the strength of cement soil mixture differ greatly with different cement/soil reatios and ageing.Bearing capacity of a composite foundation may be different if different methods are adopted to evaluate it.There existe greater concentrated reaction at the top of the Piles.The distribution ratio of stresses in the piles and soil changes greatly with different loading conditions.
〔1〕 中港振华黄骅港一期工程项目经理部 .复合地基试验总结报告 [R] .2 0 0 0 .4
〔2〕 曹永琅 .水泥土室内配比试验研究报告 [R] .南京水利科学研究院 ,1992 ,10
〔3〕 建筑地基处理技术规范 (JGJ79-91) [S] .北京 :中国计划出版社 ,1992