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The prediction of backsiltation and the countermeasures against siltation in the deep waterways in the Yangtze estuary are the essential problems for the project to regulate the deep waterways in the Yangtze estuary.The two major factors affecting the most the backsiltation in the deep waterways,namely the longterm trend of evolution of the Yangtze estuary,especially in the north passage,and the bad configuration as well as the water and sand movement in the water areas where the waterways are located,should be timely analyzed and controlled.Correct prediction of the amount and distribution of backsiltation in the waterways,under the condition of ensuring the relative stability of the overall river conditions,is an important basis for the verification of the construction plans and the maintenance dredging plans.Experience has been gained in the dredging and maintenance of the 85 m deep waterway in the first stage of the project.The measures to minimize the backsiltation in the waterways can be basically categorized into two major aspects.One is building the regulating construction to stabilized the river and to regulate and stabilize the current field and the bed configuration in the north passage as well as to fend off the sand coming into the waterway.The other one is correctly determining the location of the navigation channels and establishing scientific and rational criteria for navigation and technology for waterway construction,thus improving the management level of maintenance dredging.