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本文根据对桩基透空堤的试验研究 ,分析了小间距直桩式、栅栏式和直立挡板式等三种不同形式桩基透空堤的特点及其所具有的不同透空率与透浪系数间的联系 ,比较了几种透浪系数的计算结果 ,并提出了挡浪效果和消能效果都比较好的新的桩基透空堤断面的设想 ,供进一步研究
According to the results of the experimental research into the permeable breakwaters on pile foundations, the characteristics of three different types of permeable breakwaters built on pile foundations-breakwaters on close space piles, fence screening type, and vertical thin barriers,are analyzed in the paper. The relationship of the permeability of the breakwaters to the wave transmission factors is also analyzed. With the comparison of the calculated results of several transmission factors,a new type of permeable breakwater with better wave baffling and energy absorbing is proposed for further study and research.
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