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单位:中港桥隧重点试验室 湖北武汉430071 
关键词:混凝土  耐久性  锈蚀  使用寿命设计 
Reinforced concrete structures exposed to chloride develops premature failure and there are many factors influencing the service life of concrete.These factors vary with time and are random variables.Methods of mathematical statistics should be used to handle these factors or method of load resistance sub-parameters should be used to make calculations.In the service life designs,a representative value is input to make the calculations.If the value is a mean value of the variable,the calculated service life is only 50% of the assurance factor.If the diffusion coefficient is chosen from the quantile of 95% and the influencing factors(including the diffusion coefficient)are chosen as the sub parameters to reflect the reliability indexes,the assurance factor of the service life can be increased to 95%.But,the current service life designs are of uncertainty.As a result,the performance of a structure should be monitored and maintained during the service of the structure and periodic measurements shall be made of its relevant performance,on the basis of which,the service life should be redesigned and may be redesigned a number of times to ensure that the structure will have a longer design life as required.
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