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《塑料排水板施工规程》及《塑料排水板质量检验标准》的发布实施,对塑料排水板施工质量的控制起到了积极的作用。文章通过介绍在某码头堆场软基加固塑料排水板打设施工中抽样检查了4 770根塑料排水板的打设情况,分析规程中条文的现场适用性,对施工中影响塑料排水板质量的板位放点、打设机定位、塑料排水板回带、偏差等因素进行了论述,并在此基础上对打设机的配置、监理人员、产品质量、设备性能等方面提出了完善规程的建议。
The promulgation and execution of Regulations for Installation of Prefabricated Drains and Quality Inspection Specification for Prefabricated Drains have active effects on the quality control of the installation of prefabricated drains.A total of 4 770 prefabricated drains were sampled and tested during the installation of the prefabricated drains for improving the soft soil for the stacking yard at a wharf.On the basis of the tests,the adaptability of the clauses in the regulations is analyzed and expounding is made on the setting-out of prefabricated drains,positioning of prefabricated drain installation machine,back-drawing and warp of prefabricated drains,which affect the quality of the installation of the prefabricated drains.Recommendations to improve the regulations are thus made in the disposition of the installation machines,performance of supervisory personnel,quality of product,performance of equipment and etc.