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Based on the analysis and comparison of the various shape factors formulae, especially the analysis andadoption of the research achievements of De Beer, Caquot, Yokoo, Rethati and Skempton, this paper proposesa set of shape factors formulae which is relatively reasonable both in theory and experimental verify. Now theformula has been recommended to the revied edition of Port Engineering Technical Codes.
[2] De Beer, E. E.(1970):“Experimental determinationof the shape factors and the bearing capacity factorsof sand”, Geotechnique, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 387~411
[3] Yokoo Y. et al(1972):“Relation between shape fac-tots fot Nc and Nq in bearing capscity formula”,Soilsand Foundations, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 37~43
[4] Rethati, L.(1976):“On the shape factor of thebearing capacity equation”,Proc.5th Conf.on SoilMech. and Found.Eng., Budapest,pp.411~417
[5] Skempton, A.W.( 1951):“The bearing capacityof clays,”Selected Papers on Soil Mechanics by A.W. Skempton, F. R. S, Thomas Telford Linited,London, 1984
[6] Hansen.J,B.(1970)“A revised and extended formu-la for bearing capacity”, Danish Geot. Iust, Bul-letin, No. 28, Copenhagen