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本文利用物理模型与数学模型相互补充的手法 ,经物模多种试验得出单桩、群桩阻力系数公式 ,用于数值模拟的研究中。从而克服了以往数值模拟码头工程预演方案中难以考虑桩基阻力的缺点。得出的桩基码头前沿区流速、流向更加真实 ,贴合实际 ,对回淤强度的预报、减淤措施的提出及船舶靠系泊等都有重要的参考价值。
With a method complementing physical models with mathematical models,formulae for drag coefficients for single piles and pile groups have been derived from various physical model tests and have been used in the studies on numerical simulations,thus overcoming the shortcomings that it was difficult to consider the resistance of piling foundations in the past when numerical simulations were used to predict the marine works.The flow velocity and direction in front of the wharves supported on piles thus derived are more realistic and practical,which will be of significant referential value for forecasting of back silting quantity,preparation of measures for silt reduction,as well as mooring of vessels.
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