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码头靠船构件及其下部桩基础 ,常因靠船方式不当 ,造成构件断裂 ,加之该类构件位于低于水位标高处 ,受损后 ,修复加固工艺难度较大。为尽早恢复码头生产 ,保证码头结构的安全、可靠性 ,采用水下钢筋补强、模具与围囹支设、泵送砼等工艺进行修复加固。该工艺速度快 ,受潮汐影响小 ,费用低 ,操作简单 ,对码头构件及其他相类似构件的抢修具有一定的推广价值
Berthing members of a jetty and their supporting piles are often fractured owing to improper berthing operations As the berthing members are generally located at the low water levels,it is very difficult to rehabilitate them if they are damaged In order to resume as soon as possible the operation of a jetty with damaged berthing members and to ensure the safety and reliability of the structure of the jetty,the damaged berthing members were repaired and strengthened with underwater reinforcing,erection of formwork and waling,and placing of pumped concrete With the technology adopted,the rehabilitation operation was little affected by the tidal effect and,with simple procedures,the cost for such repairs was low The technlogy herein presented may be applicable to rush repairs on berthing members and other similar structures