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Self-compacting concrete is now one of the research highlights across the world. Thanks to its high fluidity and appropriate viscosity,the self-compacting concrete can pass through rebars and fill the formwork completely with vibro-compaction. Application of self-compacting concrete can cut down the labour and reduce the noise level. Using appropriate raw materials and adequate mix ratios, self-compacting concrete with strength from C30 to C50, and even more than C80 can be produced. Research was made on the methods for evaluating the fluidity of self-compacting concrete and the physical and mechanical properties of the self-compacting concrete.The successful application of the self-compacting concrete to the bridge crossing the Changjiang River at Runyang is described in detail.
[1] 高流动ユソクリ—ト施工指针[M].日本土木学会.
[2] Wolfgang.Self-compactingconcreteintheprecastelementplant[R].BFT,2001.11.
[3] PeterJMBartos.Self-compactingconcrete[J].Concrete,1999,(4)