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The currents along a breakwater and the circulating currents,both induced by the structures in Huanghua Port,are investigated with the help of the satellite remote sensing images and the causes for the formation of these currents are also primarily analyzed.By comparing the different hydrodynamic and meteorological conditions during the formation of the currents along a breakwater and the circulating currents,it can be known that the currents along a breakwater and the circulating currents both resulted from the erected structures appear generally in ebb tides and that the wind-driven currents and the wave-generated longshore currents may play an important role in the development of currents along the breakwater and the circulating currents.From the viewpoing of sediment transport,the currents along the breakwater may result in high sediment concentration in some part of the waterways outside the Port of Huanghua,thus leading to severe siltation in some part of the outer navigational channels of Huanghua Port.
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