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在船闸服务水平研究中 ,服务水平系数是进行船闸通过能力设计的主要依据 ,而船舶的平均待闸时间则更受服务对象和管理部门的关注。由于缺乏船舶待闸时间的实测资料 ,直接根据待闸时间来划分船闸服务水平等级暂时无法实现。文章重点探讨了船闸服务水平系数与船舶平均待闸时间之间的内在联系 ,并建立其相互转化的关系式 ,从而将两者有机地联系在一起。最后 ,根据苏北运河施桥船闸的实测资料对文中所提方法进行了验证 ,结果令人满意。
In the research of the level of service at a waterway lock (LOSWL), the coefficient of LOSWL is very important for the design of lock capacity, but ship owner and lock manage may be more concerned about delays at a waterway lock. As little data are available, delays cannot be directly used to classify LOSWL. In this paper, relationship between the coefficient of LOSWL and ship delays at a waterway lock was established and verified by data collected from Shiqiao lock, located on the Grand Canal in the northern part of Jiangsu Province, China. The results are satisfactory.
江苏交通科学研究计划项目 ( 0 2 Y0 17)
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