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文章将港口工程水下爆破挤淤 (填石 )法应用于陆上 ,着重分析陆上爆破挤淤的理论 ,推导了爆腔半径与药包质量的关系 ,为爆破参数的选取提供了理论依据。同时结合工程实例 ,表明将爆破挤淤法用于公路工程的软土处理是可行的。
The method of mud replacement(with rock fill)by underwater blasting for port works was used for engineering works on land.The paper presents an analysis of the theory of mud replacement by blasting on land and the derivation of the relationship between the radius of a blasting crater and the mass of explosives,thus offering theoretical basis for selection of the parameters of blasting.The case history presented in the paper proved that it is feasible to apply the method of mud replacement by blasting to the improvement of soft soils in road works.
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