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195 8年 ,美国海军在研发新型导弹系统中应用 PERT(计划评审技术 )来协调承包商和研究机构的进度。PERT的理论基础是假设项目持续时间以及整个项目的完成时间是随机的 ,且服从某种概率分布。 PERT可以估计整个项目在某个时间内完成的概率。现在 PERT被广泛地应用在项目的进度规划中。
In 1958,the American navy used PERT(Program Evaluation an Review Technique)to correspond to the activities of different contractors and R&D institutes in the project of developing a new missile system.The assumption that the duration of a project and the whole project's finishing time is random and submitted to some kinds of probability distribution is the theoretical basis of the PERT. We can use PERT to evaluate the probability that the whole project will finish in a certain times. Now PERT is widely used in the field of evaluating the project's schedule.