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国家主席江泽民题写桥名并出席通车仪式的“江阴大桥”是主跨为1 385m ,一跨过长江,中国第一、世界第四的钢悬索特大公路桥。本文综述了中港二航局在承建大桥下部结构(A 标、B标)的施工中,根据工程规模大、合同期短、技术含量高、地质条件复杂、施工难度大等特点,运用系统工程原理,健全质量保证体系,坚持技术领先,优化要素配置,精心雕塑中国第一大桥,取得单位工程质量评比全优的佳绩。
Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge which bears the inscription by Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China, who was also present at the inauguration of the bridge, is the first largest steel suspension highway bridge in China and the fourth in the world, with its main span of 1385m long, striding across the Yangtze River with a singly span. The paper presents that, during the construction of the infrastructure of the main bridge (Bids No.1 and No.2),CHEC Second Navigational Engineering Bureau took into full consideration the grand scale of the project, short duration of the contract, high technical requirements, complexity of the geological conditions, extreme difficulty of the works and other factors, made good use of the principle of systems engineering, perfected the quality assurance system, persisted in making the technology in the lead, and optimized the disposition of essential factors, thus having built with great care the first largest suspension bridge in China and being accredited with having obtained high quality awards on the all the works which had been completed by the Bureau during the evaluation and appraisal of the quality of the works.