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通过试验研究证明 ,聚丙烯纤维应用于预应力锚固灌浆材料可以改善砂浆的锚固性能 ,一方面钻孔孔壁的粘结强度可提高 2 0 %以上 ,另外可改善砂浆受力开裂性能 ,提高锚索使用寿命。
The results of the tests and research on the polypropylene fiber added grouting material have proved that, when the polypropylene fiber is admixed with the grouting material for prestressed anchorage, the anchoring capability of the grout can be much improved. With the polypropylene fiber admixture, the bond strength between the grout and the wall of the boreholes can be increased by more than 20%, and on the other hand, the service life of the anchor cables can be further prolonged with the improvement of the resistance of the polypropylene fiber added grouting material against tension cracks.
[1] 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩石锚固与注浆技术专业委员会.锚固与注浆技术手册[M].中国电力出版社,1999
[2] 中国岩土锚固工程协会.岩土锚固新技术[M].北京:人民交通出版社,1998