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该项研究是在保证工程安全可靠与经济合理的前提下 ,优化桥梁结构型式、两桥间距及其与接岸结构平面布置。除为工程设计提供实际作用于桥梁结构的波浪荷载外 ,还对如何估算作用于桥梁的波浪力进行了探讨 ,提出了可供参照的设计计算方法
The experiment and research aimed at the optimization of the structure of the bridge,the span of the bridge and the plan layout of the shore connection structure of the bridge on the premise of ensuring the safety and reliability as well as economical rationality of the bridge.The experiment and research have not only provided the designers with the actual wave loads on the bridge structure,but also discussed how the wave force acting on bridges should be estimated,thus proposing a calculation method that can be referred to during esigning.
[1] JTJ213-98,海港水文规范[S].
[2] JTJ298-98,防波堤设计与施工规范[S].
[3] JTJ301-98,波浪模型试验规程[S].
[4] 海港码头结构设计手册[M].人民交通出版社.