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高性能混凝土 (high perform ance concrete,HPC)是近年来混凝土材料发展的一个重要方向 ,对于海洋环境中混凝土结构 ,高耐久性远比高强重要。日本和韩国非常重视海工 HPC的研究 ,并已有在桥梁、码头等易腐蚀结构成功应用的实例。他们主要采用外掺磨细矿渣粉、粉煤灰、硅粉等活性掺合料配制出 HPC。尤其是日本的研究工作更为深入和全面 ,如开展了 HPC对海洋生态环境的影响研究 ,对采用新材料对周围环境的影响持慎重态度。他们的经验和做法有许多值得我们借鉴。
HPC is the most popular topic in the concrete material research work.Recently,HPC is highly paid attention in Japan and Korea and has been applied successfully on several bridges and docks.The duration is thought to be more important than the strength for the structures in marine environment.HPC has been produced mainly by adding ground slag,FA and/or silica ash.The research work is deeper and wider in Japan.The influence of HPC on the marine environment has been carefully studied,which shows that the researchers are extraordinarily careful about the marine environment.There are lots of experiences and operation ways that should been learned from these two counties