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解决了大坝施工过程仿真分析中由混凝土跳仓引起的新老数据传递、带宽恶化等问题 ;对差分步长过大引起的水化热损失进行了补偿 ,在提高了求解精度的同时 ,使求解速度得到成倍提高 ;编制了能模拟跑仓浇筑的高拱坝温度及应力三维有限元仿真分析通用软件。以实际工程为依托 ,对采用跳仓浇筑高拱坝施工全过程温度及应力的特点及变化规律进行了研究 ,成果可以供设计单位参考
This paper solved some problems of dam simulation analysis in the construction such as transformation between new and old data, bandwidth deterioration caused by sequence construction methods; by compensating the lost heat of hydration caused by large difference step size, this paper not only advanced results precision, also improved solution velocity greatly Three dimensional finite element simulation analysis program was compiled, which can be used to simulate temperature and stresses of high arch dam constructed with sequence methods Based on the practical project, the characteristics of temperature and stresses in the high arch dam construction with sequence methods was studied, the research results of this paper are valuable for designers
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