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在长江口深水航道治理工程中 ,部分采用了袋装砂堤心斜坡堤结构。由于施工水深大 ,传统的袋装砂筑堤施工工艺已不适合 ,经技术攻关 ,研制了袋装砂充灌专用船及袋装砂堤心水下充灌及铺设工艺 ;采用 GPS定位技术 ,解决了远离岸线的平面控制和高程控制技术难题 ,并将袋装砂铺设动态定位监控软件应用于工程中
During the training of the deep water navigation channels in the Yangtze Estuary, sand filled geotextile tubes were used as part of the core material for the sloping training dyke As filling and placing of the geotextile sand tubes was to be carried out in very deep waters, the traditional technology for placing sand tubes was already insufficient With technical innovations,a special ship for filling and placing of the geotextile sand tubes and a new technology for underwater filling and placing of the tubes were developed With the GPS technique, the technical difficulties in offshore plan and elevation control were successfully solved A software for dynamic position control of placing of geotextile sand tubes was also developed and used in the works