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断裂力学是近年来新兴的一门综合学科 ,本文将断裂力学的基本原理与土的强度理论相结合 ,采用适用于土体的抗裂强度理论 ,建立开裂后土体的本构关系 ,分析土体开裂对基坑支护结构的影响。开发了弹塑性有限元程序。并将程序的计算结果与模型实验的结果进行了对比
The fracture theory of soil is a new developing problem in recent years. In this paper, the basic principle of fracture mechanics and the strength theory of soil are combined, and the soil cracking strength theory is adopted in building a constitutive relation of carcked soils. In order to use such theory and to analyze how the cracked soils effect on retaining strucure, we developed an elastoplastic finite element program. Finally, the calculation results from this program are compared with that measured in the model testing.
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