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在中港三航局承担的科威特国舒艾拜油码头修复工程中 ,由于不能影响油码头的正常生产 ,所以管道的切入工程是危险性最大的项目。在无施工经验可借鉴、不具备按常规工艺施工所需条件的情况下 ,工程技术人员设想了冷切割、封堵、区隔的施工方案 ,经细化后进行实施 ,取得了圆满的结果
During the repairs to Shuaiba Oil Pier in Kuwait, which was undertaken by CHEC-Third Navigational Engineering Bureau,cutting-in to the existing oil pipeline became the most dangerous job because no interruption of the normal operation of the oil pier would be allowed. Without any previous experience to refer to and with no available conditions for employing conventional technology, the technical and engineering personnel worked out a technique for cutting-in to the existing pipeline, where the pipeline would be cold cut, stopped and isolated. After the techniqute was further detailed, it was employed on the job and the result was very satisfactory.