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采用库仑土压力理论中墙后填土滑动楔体极限平衡的概念 ,在滑动楔体上沿填土深度方向取片体单元进行分析 ,建立关于挡土墙上土压力强度的一阶微分方程 ,并求得了该微分方程的精确解 ,给出了挡土墙上土压力分布的新公式 ,并与库仑土压力公式进行了比较。用试验测试数据对本文方法的计算结果进行了检验
Based on the Coulomb's concept that the earth pressure against the back of a retaining wall is due to the thrust exerted by the sliding wedge of soil from the back of the wall to a plane which passes through the bottom dege of the wall and has an inclination equal to the angle of θ, the differential equation of first order is set up by the equilibrium of forces on the flake element taken out from the wedge. The theoretical answer to the unit earth pressure on retaining wall is obtained. The comparison is made between Coulomb's formula and the formula presented here and the earth pressure calculated by the formula in this text is also compared with experimental observations.
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