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The propogation speed of ultrasound in concrete is related to the strength of concrete and the strength ofconcrete is directly related to the age of contrete. Therefore, the quality testing of the pile shaft by ultrasonictube methods shall be based on the design strength of 28-day gaes of concrete. The ultrasoic tube method wasapplied in Yongji Garden Project, Tianjin. With a significant varied range at the age of concrete (3 to 54days), the relations between the strength and the age of concrete was neglected, thus "Unqualified" misjudgemen t for the 25 piles was made. Furthermore, the high and low strain testing were carried out. Throuth thetest, it was found that the qualified rate of the concrete piles reaches 100%. Especially for the unqualified 9 pilestested by the ultasonic insPecting, a high strain testing was conducted. The qualified rate of the concrete pilesreaches 100% and the sound rate is 89%. thus negating the test results by ultrasonic inspebtion.
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[4]国家建筑工程质量监督检验测试中心主编.高应变动力试桩法暂行规定. 1989.