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Determining the bearing capacity of tbe single pile is one of the key points in the design of pile foundation.At present, an empirical value method, releated to the physical properties of geotechnology in the "Specificationof Soil foundation"available to various systems and departments in China. is generally adopted in calculating thebearing capacity of the single pile.This paper, based on the semi-empirical and semi-theoretical relation shipof the fundamental principle of soil mechanics advanced by Mayerhof. calculates and analyzes the bearing capacity of the single pile for the collected 24 test piles from Tianjin urban district according to the mechanical propertfor of soils. Tbrough the comparison to the test re8ults of the piles, it has been found that the above methodhas a rertain tbeoretical basis, well conforms to the test results of the piles and is a practicable method.
[2]J.A.FOCHT, M. W. O’NEILL, Diles and Other DeepFoundations, Ⅵ ICOSMFE, 1985
[5] G.G. Meyerhof, Bearing Capacity and Settleme of DileFoundations,J. Geotech. Eng. Div, No. GT-3,proc.ASCE.1976
[7]天津市地基基础设计规范 TBJ1-88
[8]G.G.Meyerhof,A J.Valsangker ,Bearing Capacityof Piles in Layered Soils 9th ICOSMFE, 1977。