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单位: 中山大学  
There have been different views on the extension of Huanghua Port into a large port. The author went many times to the proposed site for investigations and studied various data and information. The coastal nature and properties of the proposed site were carefully studied and analysed from a viewpoint of history and current situation. It is pointed out that, the coast along Dakou River estuary is an erosively recessional coast with silty sand and muck and the eroding and receding of the coast has gradually become equilibrium. It is advisable to build a port in this area. Though the deposit transportation from the Yellow River has no effect on the area,a large amount of deposit left by the Yellow River, when it flew into the sea in the area at the turn of the century, still remains outside the estuary. The deposit,lifted by waves,may be carried by tides and residual currents towards Dakou River. The deposit carried by New Zhangwei River and Xuanhui River into the sea has no significant effect on the coast of Dakou River. However , the actual site for the port to be built and the designs to be adopted should be decided only after their advantages and disadvantages are carefully considered.
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