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本文介绍二种新型水下混凝土(NNDC)的性能及其工程应用情况。NNDC—1型混凝土可减少水泥砂浆在水中散失量约50%,从而使其在抗压强度、与老混凝土粘结强度、与钢筋握裹强度、抗冲磨性能都有较大改善,有效地提高了水下工程的质量,现场水下芯样强度可达50MPa。 NNDC—2型混凝土具有优异的水下不分散性,当水泥用量为430kg/M~3时,通过50厘米水层其水下强度达28MPa,与空气中的强度比为0.83,水泥砂浆在水中散失量减少7倍。与同标号普通混凝土相比,抗压、抗弯、抗拉强度都提高2倍以上,与老混凝土的粘结强度提高1.8倍,与钢筋握裹强度提高41%,现场应用水下强度达30MPa。二种NNDC型混凝土都已在工程中成功应用。
This paper presents the properties of two kinds of new non—disperse underwater concrete (NNDC) and their applications to engineering projects. The NNDC—1 concrete can reduce the loss of cement mortar in water by about 50%. Therefore the compressive strength, bond strength with old concrete, bonding stress between concrete and steel, and resistance to abrasion have been much improved, and the quality of underwater projects has been remarkably improved. The strength of the core samples taken in—situ was as much as 50MPa. The NNDC—2 concrete is of an excellent performence of anti—washout under water. When the cement amount was 430kg/m~3, the compressive strength of NNDC—2 reached 28MPa when being poured through 50cm deep water. The strength ratio compared with that in atmospheric conditions was 0.83. In comparison with normal concrete, the loss of cement mortar in water was reduced by seven times, the compressive strength, bond strength and tensile strength increased by more than two times, the bond strength with old concrete increased by 1.8 times and the bonding stress increased by 41%. The strength of core samples taken from underwater reached 30MPa. The concrete of both NNDC—1 and NNDC—2 have been successfully used on practical projects.
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[5] #12
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