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作者:姚国权 麻志雄 丁炳灿 王鉴义  
单位: 南京水利科学研究院 南京水利科学研究院 南京水利科学研究院 南京水利科学研究院  
The basic wave and wind conditions in the yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea are presented in the paper. On the basis of the observed wave data obtained in the last 26 to 30 years from 8 typical observation stations along the coasts of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea by the National Bureau of Oceanography, a statistical analysis of annual ultimate values of waves is made, using the three-papameter Pearson-Ⅲ curve and ther distribution of four-papameter index, and the distribution parameters are estimated with the FIT method combining the least square method and the optimization method, thus, establishing the design wave characteristics in different recurrence intervals at the 8 observation stations along the coasts of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. Results of the study have shown that the r distribution of four-parameter index is more elastic than three-parameter Pearson-Ⅲ distribution curve and has a higher fitting accuracy for empirical frequency though there is no significant difference between the computed results of the two distributions. This paper is the research report for the second stage of the "Statistical Analysis of Winds and Waves along China's Coasts" a project sponsored by the Technical Development Foundation under the administration of the Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power.
1. 姚国权、丁炳灿、王鉴义、麻志雄 南海波浪年极值统计分析,水利水运科学研究 1991年第2期。 2. 孙济良、秦人庸 水文频率分析通用模型研究,水利学报 1989年第4期。 3. 刘传风 我国寒潮气候评价。气象 1990年16卷12期。 4. 中央气象局,台风年鉴(1949~1987) 北京气象出版社。 5. 中华人民共和国交通部,港口工程技术规范 1987年 人民交通出版社。 6. 李松仕 指数r分布及其在水文中的应用。水利学报 1990年第5期。
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