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作者:庞启秀 李孟国 麦苗  
单位:交通部天津水运工程科学研究所工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室 交通部天津水运工程科学研究所工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室 交通部天津水运工程科学研究所工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室 天津300456 天津300456 天津300456 
关键词:桥墩影响  水文条件分析  冲淤演变分析  数值计算  大门大桥 
Bridge piers built in estuaries will increase the drag force of flow and decrease the cross section of flow,thus producing impact upon the hydrodynamic conditions in the sea area where bridges are built.However,as the hydrodynamic conditions in estuaries are complex,it is difficult to analyze completely the impact caused by bridge piers just with one method.Taking Damen Bridge in Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,as an example,the paper makes a prediction of the trend of evolution of the landform after the completion of the bridge on the basis of the hydrological and sediment conditions and the evolution pattern of alleviation known from the analyses of the hydrodynamic conditions,bedload conditions and fluvial process near Damen and Xiaomen Islands and in Shatou Waterways.Furthermore,a two dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model was developed to study the impact of the construction of the bridge upon the hydrodynamic conditions of tidal level,flow velocity and tidal flow in the surrounding seas.The results showed that,after the completion of the bridge,the impact of the bridge piers upon the hydrodynamic environment in the surrounding seas is only shown near location where the bridge is built and will not cause the change of the waterways and the surrounding sea area.
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