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作者:吴苏舒 张玮  
单位:河海大学海洋学院 河海大学海洋学院 南京210098 交通部天津水运工程科学研究所工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室 天津300456 南京210098 交通部天津水运工程科学研究所工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室 天津300456 
关键词:最大波浪底流速  稳定重量  抛石  护底 
On the basis of analysis for the relationship between the stable weight of bottom blocks and maximum bottom velocity in front of dike,starting from wave theory,the same and different points of maximum wave bottom velocity in front of dike determined by different wave theory were investigated,their reasonableness was judged by use of test results of wave flume for stable weight.The results show the stable weight of bottom blocks is proportional to the three power of maximum wave bottom velocity.In three methods to determine velocity,the maximum wave bottom velocity in front of dike obtained by micro-amplitude wave and Stocks second order wave is same and smaller than the results of elliptic cosine wave.According to the experiments,it can be known that the elliptic cosine wave theory is suitable to the design of stable weight of bottom blocks,but the results of micro-amplitude wave theory and Stocks second order wave theory is smaller and is not good for safety of works.
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