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采用软土Y in&G raham“时间线”模型及参数确定方法,对流变软土地基固结进行研究,编制了非线性流变有限元计算程序。对南坪快速干道软土地基沉降计算进行多种模式有限元对比分析。计算结果表明,计算地基沉降时考虑软土非线性流变是有必要的,其计算值与实测值较吻合。
Based on the "Yin & Graham time line" nonlinear rheological soil model and methods for calculating the parameters,the rheological character of soft soil is incorporated in the study of consolidation.A finite element analysis programme for the nonlinear rheological soil model is developed and contrast analysis under different conditions is carried out for the soft soil of Nanping Rapid Road.The comparison proves that it is necessary to consider the rheological characters of the soft soil when the settlement of soil is being calculated and the calculated values are found tally with to the measured ones.
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