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A one-line mathematic model has been set up,which can simulate the pattern of siltation,extension and erosion of the shorelines in the Yellow River Estuary under the mixed dynanic action of seas and rivers in the Yellow River Estuary.A wave-breaking model reflecting shoreline erosion has been incorporated into the model and the distribution of littoral movement rate with sediment loads carried by the runoffs of the Yellow River has also been incorporated in the calculation,thus not only improving the accuracy of wave and tide calculations but also truly reflecting the physical mechanism of the shoreline evolution close to the Yellow River Estuary.The results of the study show that the large sediment load,carried by the Yellow River runoffs,is affected by the dynamic axis of flow and settles down along the shorelines,which is one of important factors for the shoreline evolutoin close to the Yellow River Estuary.Verification tests show that the modeled results fit well with the measured values and may be used for precasting the shoreline change in the Yellow River Estuary.
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