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作者:刘海笑 王世水  
单位:天津大学建筑工程学院 天津大学建筑工程学院 天津300072 天津300072 
关键词:等效线性化  计算模型  结构  海床  耦合系统  相互作用  动力分析 
In order to investigate the mechanism of instability and failure of seabed-wave-structure coupling system and develop a corresponding computational model that can take account of the mechanism,a modified Hardin model is introduced in the equivalent linear method in the present study.Some important factors such as the effective mean principal stress of soil,frequency of cyclic loading,and number of cycles of loading are included in the model.The computational model is used in a seabed-wave-structure coupling system to analyze its dynamic nonlinear response.The results are compared with not only the results from a standard Hardin model but also the model experiments carried out in a wave flume.Degradation of modulus of soil mass and softening of strength of soil near the soil-structure interface are investigated in detail.Some clear understandings are obtained and summarized.
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